bag c/o george | dress*: tk maxx | jacket : h&m | shoes : new look
welcome to my new room! it's not totally unpacked yet, despite having all of wednesday to do so, but it's certainly getting there - all that's left now is to decorate my totally bare and ugly walls (one wall is completely exposed cork - apparently this is for warmth? it's bloody ug); everything basically has a home now, which makes me less stressed for sure. what i realised, now that i am moved in, is that there's not a great deal of 'photo friendly' spots. which... hard. so, until i can work out an alternative, please excuse the radiator and mirrored wardrobe and part of my bed that will no doubt become regular features on this here space.
i'd been packing all day saturday while mum was out marketing, so come sunday, i was fed up of being cooped up on my long weekend, and was determined to leave the house at some point. i had some stuff to return to lewisham, and with some money still left on my gift card, i headed out around midday to get my shop on (not clever, considering i had just finished packing almost 20 boxes full of my current crap)(i did throw a lot of stuff away/to charity, so...)(owed it to myself to replenish).
well, did i ever. in less than an hour and half in the centre, i came away with three new dresses, a pair of corked wedges and a maxi skirt. not. ideal. except, this dress that i nabbed from the clearance rack in tk maxx, was just what i had been looking for moving day; loose, comfy but still very cute - and very 'me'(polka dots and flowers? damn, dress, you so fine) it ticked all the boxes and came in at a measly ten quid, so, there was no way i was going to leave it behind. i wore it as soon as i got home on sunday, all day monday while out in putney with mum (to explore her new endz - she's staying with a friend out there as i have nowhere to keep her anymore!), and all of tuesday after i'd moved myself in. i'm not even ashamed. this dress is totally comfortable, and breathable, which is a bonus!
we've all been there, am i right ladies?