as i lay here in my bed while capital radio play little mix's new track in the background (don't judge, it's the only station my non-dab radio will pick up, and i need noise to get ready to in the morning), i found myself reminiscing about their time on the x factor all those years ago. they basically stand for everything that's terrible about the music industry, right? manufactured, over sexualised, cookie cutter cuties...well yeah.
but at the same time, these girls came to the show as solo singers - and, they each can actually sing. not only that, but have their own, witty, clever and humble personalities. and, when you consider the alternatives, there are certainly far worse role models out there right now for the teens of the nation to look up to. teens? who am i kidding, i bloody love these girls, me!

right from the get go i was a big perrie edwards fan. that girl has some sultry lungs on her, and - originally, a super cute-as-a-button boho look going on too. add to that her cheeky geordie accent and the fact she was only 17 years old, and it was all yesses from me; but then... she didn't get through to judges houses. i was gutted for the girl, mostly because i thought she was muuuch better than some of the girls that did get through (hello, amelia lily). then came the twist (we'd seen it before with one direction, and we'd definitely see it again with union j); the judges called up four solo girls and turned them into a little girl group, at the producers' orders, because there wasn't enough talent in the actual groups category.
well, if that's not already polluting the pool then i don't know what is. not to mention the three other girls that she was lumped with could not have been more different to her - vocally and style-wise, and well, i was worried. come judges houses, even more so; her look had completely changed to blend better with that of her new band mates, and her sound had become incredibly diluted - something that was bound to happen in a group with such different voices, but something i was disappointed about. there was little jade with the big voice, r+b loving leigh ann and then essex jesy - she of the army pants and high top trainers. it was dire.

the media make over the girls got for the show really did away with perrie's style, and instead was very obvious about styling these kids like how a modern day girl group *should* dress; the same outfit four ways. that may have worked for destiny's child, and it certainly worked for one direction (babes), but on these four individual girls, it was... embarrassing. thankfully, it didn't detract from the honest likeability and genuine talent that they exuded every saturday night. i was hooked. when it looked like they could be booted off, i even voted to keep them in. i never vote. ever. and yet, something about these girls had me wanting more week after week. when they won - and broke all the records by being the first girl group (and group) to win the x factor, i was elated. very very happy.
then we had to wait a year before anything really happened. their winner's single was a bit of a let down. it was nothing like what i'd grown to expect from them, and well... i had all but forgotten about them by the time james arthur was being so goddamn sexy in his own audition that when their debut album dropped around the same time, it was easily to ignore. and then! all of a sudden! they were back, and so tottttally adorable! their image had changed into this fun and flirty and girly and fun (did i say fun?) girl band, and their songs were suuuper catchy!

now, she's never too far from pastel hues, girly frocks and flirty shoes, and it's so perfectly her. and me. or, i wish i could be me, so she basically won that round, huh. now, if someone could just do me a solid and buy me tickets to the little mix gig at the o2 in a few weeks, i'd be pretty embarrassed, but ultimately grateful.
do you have a style icon you're a little ashamed about?
gimme the details yo!
*post written in collaboration with brand. all opinions are mine*