yes, well. that particular journey home was pretty unpleasant to say the least, but to have arrived in my flat at 11, then shower, tidy and kinda sort of clean up a little bit in under 40 minutes for her scheduled arrival of 11:45am was... inspiring, considering, no? hey, i thought so too.
so, mum and her bff rosie arrived, i made them tea, we chatted (i yawned, a lot) and then got down to planning our day. the agenda looked like this; "let's explore london!". oh hey, awesome plan ladies! i kinda of helped them narrow that down some to one particular area of london - my very fave part of town, and we headed off around midday... borough bound! (dear south londoners and tourist alike, please be kind to me today, i'm a little fragile. thanks) "the mums" had a hankering for cheeses, and i for mushroom pate and juice and hobbs roast and brownies and cheese and anything that wasn't coffee or alcohol and also allofthefruit and so, borough seemed like the best idea. right? i mean, right? what part of a gorgeous saturday afternoon spent at london's number one food market on the first sunny day of the year seemed like a bad idea?
*insert side eyes emoji here*
so we went. it was busy. like, busssaaaaaaay, and it was not fun. i mean, the eating the food part was fun, the mums that stop every five foot to take pictures (who are these people and who did they learn that from?)(*cough*)(hey, at least when we do it, we do it out of people's way)(mostly)(well, we try to goddammit) was less fun. but, funny to watch. if you weren't dying of a hangover like i was. we wandered for an hour or so, then trundled our way along the southbank, toward tower bridge before stopping for a coffee on riverside walk, and just chilling the eff bomb out with a free-from red velvet cupcake for a good hour or so. all casual like, stress free, in the sun. my gaaawd, it was lovely.
after that, we wandered back up the southbank, toward westminster, just enjoying the rich history of the area, the warm sunshine, and eventually, a bloody delicious (jug of) the new elderflower and blackberry pimms in the grounds of the udderbelly festival just behind festival hall. it were aces, and it were dead nice to have my mam back in london. (what is with the accent? stop me now. i think i'm still durnk.)
in other words, i made saturday my bitch.
what about you?