i often joke with sally that i wish she was my mum. not because she's old enough to be a mum - certainly not! little miss is a few months younger than me, maybe, but she is so mature and put together and wise and clever and she makes compote and eats bread with grains in it and fresh fruit and rides a bike and has master the blur filter on instagram like no other. generally, i think she's a terrific role model, she's certainly a fabulous long-distance friend, and - if i so wished, she's probably be a pretty bloody grand pen pal too. that's just sally.
so when i started reading her new post on friday night, i had to laugh. why? her post was titled 'growing up', and in it she explained how she will be turning thirty in seven months time (yes, seven), and went on to list thirty reasons why she didn't think she was ready to be an adult. i absolutely loved it. mostly because her points resonated so much with me, and made me think about how i'm also not bloody ready to be an adult. so, thanks to sally's prompt, here's why i don't feel old enough yet to be turning thirty (i copied some of sally's because they're hilariously accurate, and transferable):

2. i own six winter coats and one denim jacket, but not one in-between jacket for all of the other seasons.
3. i don't own an umbrella, or waterproof coat.
4. i don't ever use my phone as a phone. i hate talking to people who aren't in front of me.
5. this means i've never called the water or electricity company. i always email them instead. coward.
6. i spend far too much of my time in the coffee and bakery aisles of my grocery store.
7. i don't know where they keep bin liners at my local tesco. since boyfriend left, i've not bought more.
8. i make hasty decisions. i'll think and think and think and over-think, and then decide under pressure and regret everything. but if you need me to help you decide, i'm a pro.
9. i buy and eat five packets of ramen noodles and white beuno a week; they're the basis of my diet.
10. i really love pop music. the cheesier the better.

12. i have over 100 dresses, and not one pair of trousers (i lie, i have nine pairs of pj pants)(nine).
13. i don't know what UKIP stands for, nor do i want to.
14. in fact, politics in general is all kind of... nothing... in my brain.
15. all dogs are considered puppies to me. still.
16. i collect novelty tea pots.
17. the closest i am to owning a house is a cath kidston sewing kit i got in the sale.
18. i buy cath kidston stuff in the sale.
19. there are over ten mugs in the cupboard of my one bed flat. all cath kidston. in the sale.
20. i am fiercely independent, and like to be alone. it's a fine line between alone and lonely.

22. i bruise like a peach. it's actually pretty dangerous, and why i never don't wear tights. i am black and blue all up and down my body, and have some pretty bad vein damage too. eurgh.
23. i basically dress like a toddler, and have far too many glitter hair bows. and all the heart print.
24. i think babies are ok but i'd never want to own one.
25. i think all cats are jerks, and there's a reason they're the only domestic animal that was never mentioned in the bible (hint: it's because they're the devil). not liking cats means no adult points.
26. i still call pink wine 'pink wine'.
27. i actually don't know how pink wine has come to be pink.
28. nor did i know that there were more goat's cheeses than just feta (there are! tons!).
29. my favourite bands are still the same ones from ten years ago.
30. i can't use the self-weigh machine at the supermarket, so buy the pre-packed vegies that cost more.
so there. a bunch of reasons why i don't really think i'm ready for this 'grown up' lark. a massive thanks to my sweet pea sally for being the inspiration behind this post - for a bit of fun, and self reflection too i guess. plenty of things to work on if i want to try and live up to the preconceived ideas of how an adult lives, but really... i've been looking after myself for the best part of the last ten years, so... i can't be doing all that bad of a job... right?
do you have a similar list? share some of them with me below!