jacket : just jeans | dress c/o sammy dress | shoes : mr p | crown : primark | tote c/o alibi
this is supposed to be a maxi dress; and according to the sammydress website it is also supposed to be 94cm across the bust - which i should definitely be able to fit in, and comfortably too, yet for some reason... this dress, does not fit. when i tried it on i just about heard the seams under the bust all but rip, and watched the fabric stretch to a point that you could see white through the colour. disappointed is not the word i would use, probably more 'expected', as i don't seem to have much luck with the online dress buying. but, when you follow the size guide and still get led on, well... i was very disappointed.
especially because how cute does this outfit loooook? and this weekend was so bright and sunny i was really looking forward to getting it on and watching it billow around me feet. but nope. no such billowing happened, well, not in this number anyway. it's a good thing i know a few teeny tiny people who might just enjoy this dress themselves, because then at least i will have the opportunity to watch it billow on someone...
online shopping huh... what a nightmare!