you all know my love of thrifting; street-side finds, boot sale treasures and charity shop hauls are becoming increasingly more important to me than the newest dress or lipstick doing the rounds. there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of finding a(nother) fabulous, vintage, one-of-a-kind bargain and hauling it back to its new home. i dread the days where i head out with high hopes and fail to find a thing. i also dread the days where i simply can not be bothered to leave the house, but still fancy a wee second-hand trawling.
enter shpock. sh(op in your)pock(et) is the new 24/7 boot sale app, full of pictures of pieces being sold in your local area. in your local area. which barely means having to leave the house... if at all, because some of the sellers will even bring the items to you! the app is free and available on both iphone and android (thankfully!) and it makes buying and selling so easy and fun! by sorting the distance filter you can legit see what your neighbours are selling. and then sell your own stuff on really simply.

so, how is this super relevant now? because i'm moving out, and i have a crap ton of furniture (and more) that i need to offload. ebay charges fees. gumtree is unreliable. bootsales are awesome, but i don't have a boot. so, something that can allow me to easily upload a picture and sell from the comfort of my own sofa? bring it on. i got this.
earlier this week i posted a few pieces of furniture through the app and it was dead easy. i'm a seasoned ebayer, so the app is really user friendly. take a picture, add a caption and a wee description, your price, location and contact details, and boom; you're done. you can share your items straight to social media too - which was super awesome, because obviously, once they're out there they're for the sharing!
with so many marketplaces available for the selling, it takes something a little special to separate them all. the thing i especially love about shpock is that it's really localised; although the idea of the app using my location is a bit scary, the app assures me that no sensitive information is given until you give the ok. do i believe that? well, i guess time will tell. wish me luck on my new selling adventure!
have you tried shpock yet? what do you think of the app?
*written in collaboration with brand, all views are mine*