that's right. after the last night spent at musical bingo, as soon as i saw the alert on their facebook page that they'd be back at the garage over easter, i rounded up the girls and we locked our tickets in! i was so excited, we were looking forward to it and planning the night for the last few weeks - so i was a bit sad when I heard from one of my girls the day before that she wasn't able to make it anymore because of a family emergency; so three had become two, and my bed for the night had just as quickly vanished. lou and i knew we had a short time frame to work with in order to get home for the night, but we were looking forward to the challenge for sure... we were going to make our short time there worth it!
for those of you who don't know what musical bingo is all about, let me try and enlighten you. i assume you understand the basic rules of regular bingo; your game card contains nine numbers, and the aim is to match as many number as you can to win a game. each game has four rounds; one line, two lines, three lines and full house. well! in musical bingo, sub out the numbers and sub in snippets of iconic songs, in rounds of iconic genres. add to that the half time entertainment by way of the burlesque babes the framettes, the gospel singing 'singology' choir and some bloody attractive ladies and gents, and you're still only half way there.
with only a couple of hours to revel in all that fun, lou and i kicked it off early with dinner at drinks at the white swan across the road, before making our way into the event to let out our inner queens of pop - dancing on tables to kylie, whitney and mariah; we were quite the divas! less than two hours later, and we were headed for our last trains, which meant that i was tucked up in bed just after midnight!
another bloody good night out at the bingo i'd say!