necklace c/o dorothy perkins | jumper : u/o via swap shop | dress + boots : primark | cambridge satchel : asos
i woke up on sunday to gorgeous sunlight streaming through my windows. after a coffee, an egg and bacon sarnie and a warm shower, i was dressed in the above and heading out the door. at the door, i stopped short - baffled by the weather i was seeing in front of me; it was the exact opposite to that which woke me mere hours earlier...
it's march now, mother nature. when will you give up the tears and grace us with one of your lovely warm hugs? its' been ever-so-long since we last felt your warmth on our skin... it's almost spring, right? i forget how it works in the uk, but we've got to be close; i've started to notice tiny blossoms shooting out of bare branches on the desolate trees that line my street. they give me hope...the unrelenting grey clouds that obscure the sky; they make me despair.
which is just as well this pretty spring jumper is pretty warm too. i grabbed it - tags still attached and definitely unworn, from the swap shop last week, and i was pretty excited to get it on. it's pretty big sadly, which kiiinda just makes it the perfect slouchy addition to the jumper section of my wardrobe. plus, the pretty crochet layer across the front has safely secured it as the ideal spring time jumper.
guys, we have a new favourite. stop the presses.