just quickly, about a week ago i saw my pal sarah elizabeth braaaagging all over the internet (
this may be slightly exaggerated) that she'd been sent some
deeeelicious all butter fudge to review on her blog. well, the green eyed monster in me raged with jealousy for about five seconds before she suggested i get in contact because they were basically dishing out the samples like a sunday morning market stall.
well. i did. i got in touch with
thomas the baker about their new fudge range, and guess what happened? the samples they sent me in the mail melted in to one, buttery mess. i opened the package, excited to taste, and was greeted with a messy, gooey handful of goop. it was... tremendously sad! in no time though, i had tweeted the minor disaster to the family of bakers, and was assured a new batch would be on its way - i protested, as didn't want a repeat experience (or for them to keep wasting their supplies!), but in a matter of days, a much, much bigger and better had landed on my desk. in it, a tray of perfectly assembled all butter fudge, a block of lemon drizzle cake, and a yorkshire brack. the cakes arrived just in time for afternoon tea, and the fudge was safely stored for home; my colleagues were bloody lucky bastards that day!

the fudge though? errrmerrgerrrrd, that stuff was devine. i basically ate all of it over the weekend. ok, no, i
did eat it all over the weekend. boyfriend had but one square, i had the other...eleven. so sue me! it was bloody amazing! it was sweet without being too saccharine, it was smooth without it being too soft, and it was sure as hell buttery without being too... buttery? well it was. i nibbled the edges, not wanting to take big bites and have them all be gone forever, then popped the balls of fudge in the middle of my tongue to just let dissolve on their own. i am strange, yes, but i love sweets sooooo much.
a pack of 12 pieces will set you back
£2.20 per tray, and should be eaten within two months...not days.
my bad. i'm not even ashamed. i'm impressed.