a shit ton of crap rained down on me over the last few days, so on saturday i decided to escape the doom and gloom - if only for a few hours, and jumped on a train, headed for southbank. thankfully i hopped off at london bridge, thereby missing the majority of the sunny-day revellers twho all had the very same thought as me, but i had my earphones in and my music up loud - and with some sights as spectacular as these, there's no way i could stay moody for long (this is a lie, but... that's another story).
sometimes when i get sad, or miss my friends and family back home, or just need to clear my head and ponder the world's injustices, i head to the banks of the river to remember why i'm still here. it's not for my shitty wage or my awesome friends or to drink all of the wine, it's to see beautiful things. to meet beautiful people. to learn lots of beautiful things. lately, i've forgotten a lot of why i'm in london, and i've spent too much of my time behind this computer screen, in front of the television, and avoiding real social interaction. well, change is afoot, and a new start comes with the rising of the sun. and boy, was there a lot of sun on saturday.

after my lunch for one under the shade of some of london's quirkiest architecture, i headed back the way i'd come - but this time, via a jaunt through south london's iconic borough market. with little appetite, i was purely there to wander and wonder, but did stop and part with some pennies when i came upon the fresh fruit smoothie stall. deeeelish! i am living the smoothie life now, though.
i hope your saturday was as sunny but less crappy than mine!
if nothing else, enjoy the pics.