shirt c/o oasap // skirt :: new look // cambridge satchel :: asos // shoes :: primark
so, i think it's fair to say i'll never be shopping with oasap again. i was honoured to be invited to join their fashion blogger program (my first mistake; i'm no fashion blogger!) a couple of months ago, and pick my first item to style. you might remember the acid blue wool dress i gave away last month because it didn't fit? well that should've been enough of a warning of what to expect; a size L that gaped my shoulders and hugged my hips. next was a pink winter coat (in size 'all' - what does that even mean?!) that i can't zip up - again because of my hips, and then the final straw; a pastel pink chunky necklace (that arrived in four pieces) and retro print shirt, again in a size L that i can't even get over my head.
they've since replaced the necklace for one that's whole, and strangely, sent me another of the exact same shirt... even though it's the biggest size, and i made them aware that it didn't fit. so they're nothing if not determined to deliver great service. it's just such a shame their product is primarily those teeny-tiny sizes sourced in far eastern countries. it's more of a shame that i like eating food and won't even be teeny-tiny.
anway, i love the shirt. i really do. when i picked it out, this is how i imagined styling it.
how would you style this retro shirt?