after the success that was the recent 'brit pack gives back' campaign from your friendly neighbourhood british bloggers, we decided to (keep calm and) carry on the tradition; once a month we're going to come together to bring you a themed 'brit pack presents' post, and this months, obviously, is all about valentine's day!...

viv's :: gift from a friend // necklace + earrings :: punky pins // dress :: new look // tights :: primark
well hello, lovers! a happy valentine's day to you all!
when my belated christmas pressie from wee polka dot pinky arrived in the post last week from punky pins, i knew it was a sign. the necklace was the exact match of the earrings that kimmy bought me for my birthday last year, and i had picked these red tights up recently to, knowing i'd save them for a valentine's day outfit - it was all coming together! i hunted through my wardrobe for something simple to wear; all the accessories spoke for themselves, so lovely lace was clearly the answer (it's always the answer)... but i was stuck on shoes. i pulled out all the shoes i owned, and as i was in the bottom of my wardrobe, i had a light bulb moment. *ding!*
this outfit calls for vivienne westwood.
my mua pal stephanie gave me these - her "back up" wedding shoes ("who has vivienne westwood as a back up?" i hear you ask. well never fear for she wore viv's on the day, just much cuter (and more comfortable) ones. so, lucky me!) when i visited her back in october, and (short of my own wedding..?) i was saving them for something "special". failing that, this outfit would have to do; i adore how it's all come together!
now i just need somewhere to wear my heart-felt outfit... boyfriend?
don't forget to check out all the valentine's post from my brit pack pals below!
Maria of Frills n Spills, Kim of What Peggy Said,Christina of Kimi and Me, Donna of Polka-dot Pink, Erica of Being Erica
Rachel Of Rachel The Hat, Sophie of The Story of a Girl Who Lives Above Her Means, Sarah of A Million Dresses and Gemma of Fat Frocks