when this adorable little package full of nars palettes turned up a few weeks ago, no one was more shocked - or excited - than me. i hadn't ordered it, and this certainly wasn't a perk (urban retreat wasted no time denying my suspicions, how embarrassing!). so... how? well, a few pics of it up on instagram revealled it was indeed a perk... of sorts; an early christmas gift, from none other than one of my gorgeous aussie pals, who dabbles in a bit of mark-up artistry on the side; the babe'n steph whose wedding we attended in australia.
feeling overwhelmed and, well, guilty that i hadn't bought her a gift in return, she we quick to chime in with how proud she was when she saw me blog about nars a few weeks ago, and so she decided that if anyone was going to introduce me to my new favourite blusher, that it was going to be her. i was in no position to argue - especially as she'd bought the exact ones i'd lusted over mere days earlier.

the one point she was quick to raise was the assurance that a little goes a long way. she's not wrong. thinking that one swipe on the palette with my new real techniques blush brush would be the perfect amount in that case, as i'm used to layering with my el cheapo brand blushers. well. let me tell you this; one swipe was half a swipe too much, as i pretty much looked like an eighties hooker. i tried blending it out with neutral powder, tried layering with a lighter shade, all to no avail. it was bad, and i'm pretty sure carmen kept calling me ru paul all day at work. it was dire.
i told steph, and she laughed. not before the obligatory "i told you so" quip. thanks, love.

nars guy boudin collection blush in magenta from the urban retreat beautique
so, the next time i went to use it, i didn't swipe the palette, i dabbed. one or two dabs at a time, then onto the apples of my cheeks. again, dabbed onto my face to start, then blended in afterwards. if i found it was not so even, then one more dab until it was perfect. the above picture has no filter, but i did use the front facing camera so the quality isn't as good, but you can certainly see the colour in the cheeks.
the pigment is so strong that only a few dabs of the product on the cheeks is needed. i should have listened to steph. i think the 'dab technique' as we shall now refer to is as, worked perfectly though, and is how i shall be applying my delicious new nars guy boudin collection blush in magenta from now on.
have you ever had this problem with your nars blusher?