let me start by saying that this post is my 500th post - in under the two years i've been writing on this space, i have pumped out five hundred pieces of rubbish for you to read, comment on and connect with me over. this blog started out as a way for me to tell stories of my london life with my friends and family back home in australia, and in no time has snowballed into an outlet for me to vent, to share my personal style, to work towards something to do with my life... and somewhere to come, hang out, make friends and feel safe.
thank you to you for reading...

the morning after the wedding we woke early, packed the rest of our things, and packed the car. we had hit the road by 7am, iced coffees and cd after cd of golden oldies at the ready. with mum at the wheel, we expected to be hitting the border around lunchtime, and my parent's holiday house by dinner. it was going to be a solid 12 hours of driving, but, at least it was a gorgeous day for a drive. from adelaide, we headed into the hills, through murray bridge and straight to mount gambier.

we headed to the blue lake for a spot of sightseeing. it wasn't its normal bluey self! we took a stroll around the look out and then drove the circumference which was fairly... whelming. the fresh air was nice though, and was nice to stretch the legs and have a wee in a toilet that wasn't attached to a petrol station (mcdonalds, if you must know). we stopped quickly for some lunch, a drink stop and then were on our way; sights set on hitting that border, which we did, mere hours later! don't be fooled, we were still houuuurs from our destination. but, things were looking up; next stop: the great ocean road!

the weather was getting gross the more we drove toward the coast, but it was so worth it clamp our eyes on those big dumb rocks that make up what's left of the twelve apostles. boyfriend didn't really... get it, and to be honest, me either. but, they're a must-see along the south east coast, and seeing we were in the area... mum and i had been taking turns driving thus far, and by this point it was nearing five pm. we'd been on the road with basic loo breaks for the best part of ten hours. we were still houuuurs away from our final destination - torquay, on the very southern part of the coast. on paper, it should have been about two hours further, but in reality...

we pulled in to the holiday resort just shy of nine o'clock. the bendy, windy roads that make up victoria's south coast are dangerous bastards. we had missed the local chippy, pizza shop and grocery shop (it wasn't peak season, so things are quiet), but thankfully there was some lasagne on hand in the house we were staying in. we were knackered though, so we ate, we sat, and we fell asleep. weary travellers doesn't come close.
the next day we were up nice and early though, and we went for a wee wander to see the sights of the park. some violent birds made an attempt on boyfriend's life, while a weird guy was doing weird things with some horses. it was weird. no bother, we had bigger things on our mind; today we were headed to melbourne. stay tuned for that..!