after the trial we had when kim and rory were down a few weekends ago with trying to get in, when some friends from work asked if we'd like to go with them to winter wonderland after work on tuesday, we were keeeeen. because boyfriend and i finished work at 4 and our mates finished at 5, we (foolishly) thought we'd get some final bits and pieces from the shops while we waited. two h&m's and one debenhams oxford street later, it was after five and we were definitely running late!
frantically calling our mates and working out they were running late too, we casually made our way into the fairgrounds - not a single queue in sight! tuesday night early doors is definitely the way to go from now on. after doing an almost entire lap of the grounds before finding them, we were famished and decided that braturst and beers were most definitely in order (fyi. bavarian sausage is the wurst for my food intolerances)(you're welcome), followed up with baileys hot chocolates, crepes and doughnuts and a few waste-of-money-but-totally-fun sideshow games to kill some time while we wandered.
unfortunately for me, the 'flooring' they had laid over the grass in hyde park was not fit for my clumsy walking style, and more times that i care to count, i was slipping, sliding and sprawling all over the place... one time exclaiming to louise, "i am going to die!" fairly dramatically... as well as it being slippery and my shoes having precisely zero grip, the flooring was made from steel and incredibly cold. a few hours of shuffling around on it, and frostbite was well on its way in.
it was then we called it a night, and made the toasty warm trek back home; two tubes, one train, a excess cinnamon-induced coughing fit and short walk later, and we were home. on a sugar high from all the sweets on offer, but too tired to do much else, my bed was calling!
have you been to winter wonderland (or equivalent) yet? if you're thinking of going, make sure you wrap up warm -- it's bloody frosty there!