also known as the year my blog readers grew by almost double, the year i attended my first blogger event and the year i deleted all my blog pictures with no back-up, making all my posts prior to july picture-less and slightly less interesting... it was the year i did my first ever brand collaboration, my first ever product review, and the first time i actually considered myself a "blogger"...

it was also the year of the international travel, with boyfriend and i taking in a handful of city breaks throughout the year. from warsaw to wales, then australia, copenhagen and the country breaks in between, it certainly was the year of the backpacks! travel has always been important to me, so being able to pop overseas at a moments notice is certainly something we relish, and we hope to do more of into 2014...
it was the year of the 'blates' (blogger-dates; that's a new term for me, apologies), after meeting kim at the start of the year, the play dates kept rolling out from there to include laura, kirsty, donna, sally and a handful of scottish bloggers while in edinburgh recently too. i know everyone says it, but i really have been blessed to have met the folk i have through blogging, and if i had to give it all up tomorrow, that's the only part i'd miss...

this year we moved into our first flat together, and began the agonizing journey of interior decorating. room by room we've gradually added and changed elements until we've been satisfied, but ultimately i think this is going to be an ongoing labour of love...!

it was the year of the weddings! from kim's in country suffolk, to liz's in brighton and all the way to steph's in australia, i had the absolute honour of attending three amazing weddings this year. three weddings meant three wedding outfits, and thanks to some brilliant collaborations, i had some gorgeous dresses to wear too!

and finally, i went workshop crazy this year, learning how to sew, craft, and how to prepare some delicious thai foods! as well as cooking, we also spent the year eating - thanks to electrolux and the many event invites! from the big feastival in august and taste of christmas in november, i was all about "trying" this year, and hopefully my new skills stay maintained into 2014!
it's going to be hard to beat all of the good things that have come my way this year because of this blog, and because of all of you. i'll never be able to thank you all for helping me through this year, but i certainly hope you all stick around for the next. i already have a few exciting things on the horizon, and i sure as shit can't think of anyone i'd rather share all the details with but you...
happy new year guys!