love 'em or hate 'em, glitter clips are everywhere. whether you're a crown and glory fan like me, or prefer your high street equivalents, over time, any hair accessory collection can cost quite a bit - regardless of how good a quality they are. with this in mind, i was determined to find a way to recreate my favourite clips at home, for a fraction of the price...

i've tried to use loose glitter and card in the past, but the result was unfinished and patchy. on my travels through my local shopping centre, i found some glitter foam in "the works" craft supplies shop. at the time, it was only available in red, gold and black, but recent visits have proven they now stock pink and silver foam too - excited much?!
the foam is fairly thick, which means it doesn't need a backing to keep it's shape, any scraps of fabric or felt will work. the only thing you may not have laying around is crocodile clips; in the past i've used clips from old accessories that i no longer use, but they're fairly affordable from good old ebay...
(you'll also need some fabric glue, a hot glue gun, scissors and a pencil)

1// on the back side of the foam, draw out your shape. don't worry if you mess it up, you'll be covering it up with felt later on. once you're happy with the size and shape, cut that bad boy out.
2// sit your cut-out on top of your felt and cut a square out around it - make sure the square is big enough to easily cut around your foam later on.
3// starting at the edges, apply a thick layer of fabric glue, working inwards.
4// once the back is covered with glue, firmly attach the felt to the back of the foam. press it down around the edges to make sure there are no spots that aren't stuck down. leave that to dry for about an hour.
5// once it's dry, use your hot glue gun to attach the clip across the back. that will dry and be ready to use in minutes!

and voila! one high street hair clip for mere pennies and in no time at all!
later today i'll be sharing just how to hack these milk braid twists too, so make sure to pop by then!
later today i'll be sharing just how to hack these milk braid twists too, so make sure to pop by then!