when thorntons contacted me last week through their christmas hero competition to ask if there was anyone i could think of that deserved a bit of a pick-me-up, i instantly knew the answer was 'yes'... you see, some friends of mine lost their 2 year old border collie pup obi wan a couple of weeks ago, in an incredibly, ridiculously tragic way; playing fetch with a stick.
at just over two years old, obi was fit and healthy and loved to play fetch with his mum and dad. tragically, one extra sharp bit of wood got caught up in his throat as he was chewing it one day, and although he was tough and survived numerous operations to remove the offending bit of bark, he simply couldn't fight off the subsequent and multiple chest and throat infections.

christina and graham are some of the nicest, funnest, most caring people i have come to know in the uk. obi wan was their fur baby, and my heart truly broke for them when i heard he was in hospital, and again when he passed away. so, like i said, when thorntons asked if i knew someone deserving, i sent them christina and graham's way. i pre-warned christina on thursday that something yum would be turning up for her the following week, so she knew something was going to arrive. what neither of us expected was for the hamper to arrive on saturday morning! thorntons really outdid themselves on the delivery front - you can't get anything delivered within 48 hours these days, so i was super impressed with their speedy service.

christina sent me these pics on saturday morning, and by the time i saw them on facebook, a few people had chimed in and claimed they'd be 'round to help her eat them. as it's a woman's prerogative to eat all of the chocolate, i certainly hope she doesn't share them, and enjoys them all to herself (maybe some for graham). obi wan was a good pup, and he will never be forgotten. i do hope that i was able to bring a smile to a few faces with this wee care package this week, and to relieve some of that sadness, if only for a minute.
*i am participating in the thorntons christmas hero competition, but am very grateful to have been able to gift some fab people with a fab little present. thank you thorntons for the pleasure*