i adore this dress, and have done since it arrived on my desk about two (maybe more?) months ago. i got it for a real bargain, all thanks to a sheinsider discount code and free shipping, so was gutted when i discovered that it was too bloody small. how? i thought, because it's a size L, and even on a small fit, Ls are a guaranteed fit. so i read their fit guide, and learned that a us L is the equivalent to a uk 10. really?!
no matter how much i loved it, there was no way it was going to fit. i tried to flog it on ebay, tried it out in my blog sale, and for some reason... nobody wanted it. which made me extra sad, because it's probably the more adorable dress i've ever owned. then, a few weeks back, i read this awesome d.i.y over on katie's blog about how to customise dresses that don't fit anymore. and, voila! now it fits! my life makes sense again.