since moving in to my new flat a few months back, i feel like my whole life is about furniture and fittings now. like, everywhere i turn i think, ooh, i wonder where they got that frame, or, i wonder if that print was very expensive, etc. it's out of control how many bits of furniture have found new homes in my flat, and not a day goes by that i'm not sitting on ikea's website, putting things in, and taking things out of my basket. if a website has a 'home' option, i'm on it.
so when i found out that the genius behind independant accessory brand ji ji kiki also runs a retro homeware shop called the oriental magpie, well... you wanna know what happened next? polyvore happened. behold:

the oriental magpie has everything you love in the kitschy accessory brand, but for your home! that's right; unique, retro and quirky pieces, for the walls and shelves of your home. awesome, right! i especially love the owl plushies - the pink and aqua ones would look perfect with the brother and sister pair i already have adorning my sofas, and those tins! how amzing are those russian doll tins! is one hundred percent need them for my kitchen. so many adorable pieces in store, but these are just a few of my favourites.
to celebrate my impending birthday (this friday, *cough*) i have a little treat for you! the lovely emma over at the oriental magpie has kindly gifted a £25 gift voucher to spend on the site, and all you have to do is follow the rules in the rafflecopter below to enter!
good luck and happy shopping!
*winner will be announced october 14th, 2013*