i recently bought a pair of high-waisted, floral trousers in a loud, chiffon fabric with an elasticated waist band. in the store, they looked fab. don't they sound fab? i knew in my head how i would wear them, and what with. i was all excited about them, and even bought other items to wear with them. then i got them home and put the outfit together, to parade around in front of boyfriend. it was then that good god, i realised that i looked like i was one plastic visor away from retiring in florida. horrendous. the worst part? i bought them on sale, and so can't refund them. whaddamigunnadonowwwwww?

there is a strangely high amount of us though, that get buyer's remorse over the cost of our purchases. the cost, as opposed to the actual purchase. that's 6 million of us, spending more than we wanted, on something that we wanted enough to spend that amount of money on. i... just don't get that logic. if i want something, and it's too expensive, i don't buy it. if i want something, and it's too expensive, and i buy it anyway, i usually brag about it. to everyone. because dude, it was flippen expensive, and now i own it. ner ner ne-ner ner, etc.
the best bit of this study was the result of the remorse, and the irrationality that comes with it. more than half of brits with buyer's remorse would rather keep the item, than face the inevitable "why do you want to return it?" question at the customer service desk. so, if the above is anything to go by, they regret the cost of their purchase, and then they're too scared to take it back. what's wrong with these people!? then there's the 18% that would rather give the item away than return it. these fools!
understandably i'm sure, i fall into the measley 8% of brits that would quite happily march themselves back to the store in question, and have no qualms in asking for their money back. holla at me if you're on my team. the rest of you... well, sort it out.
do you suffer from buyer's remorse?
what's your beef? return it!
[update] it should be noted that i have since exchanged these loud chiffon trousers for a loud chiffon skirt instead. as mentioned in my comment reply below, although i no longer feel remorse for the trouser purchase, i now have this irrational resentment for the skirt in its place - mostly because i was forced into exchanging the trousers for something of equal or more value, and ended up having to pay an extra £8 for a skirt that - although i do really like it, i don't consider it 'worth it'.