dress :: c/o warehouse // wedges :: new look // bag :: primark // ears :: topshop
the pictures do the colour no justice, whatsoever. in reality it's a vibrant coral/hot pink hue, whereas here it's more of a dull coral. the lace detail around the neckline makes me insides happy, as does knowing that even in a size 12, this is slightly too big for me... and incredibly long; nothing the mother can't fix when i take it to her in october (a week before the wedding... fingers crossed). even with these wedges (that go perfectly, btw), i will still need a few inches taken up.
i am smitten by this beauty, and now am on the hunt for the perfect bag and simple accessories for it. flower crown? don't think i didn't think about.
do you love it as much as i do?
*written in collaboration with brand*