lace tie top + crown + bag + tights + pumps :: primark // skirt :: oasis via rachel the hat
i bought this skirt in rachel's blog sale a few weeks ago, but i'm unnnnsure about it. it's reheeeaaally tight around the waist, and it has many, many layers in the underskirt which all get caught up in between my legs when walking. i adore the print though, and the skirt itself is so 'me'. unsure indeed. and i definitely don't want to part with it so quickly, and certainly not without documenting it even once...!
so here we are.
so here we are.
i love this outfit so much! this top i bought last year in the sales, and then cut riiiight up the front to make it fit my shape better - it's a bit frumpy otherwise. this was before my mint affair began too - who knew i had that much foresight to know what i would want to be wearing in a year's time?! the crown is a no brainer, and this bag was a gift from boyfriend at christmas. a-dorrrrable. scallops and pastels = winning!