after work on thursday night, boyfriend and i headed out to finalise the anniversary shenanigans by way of a 'luxury' dinner at the battersea pie shop and a stroll through the seven dials vip shopping event. while in covent garden, i was allowed to indulge in a spot of (discounted!) shopping at cath kidston, while boyfriend wandered the streets collecting free drinks coupons and nicking tiny bottles of complimentary champagne. ladies and gentlemen, my boyfriend. what a stud.
all of the streets around seven dials and neal's yard were lined with market stalls and vendors whoring their wares - we found a photo booth and got carried away with the silly props, then spent the next half an hour or so trying to find the popcorn vendor; we'd seen tonnes of people with popcorn cones, and i wanted one too! we'd only about an hour to spare wandering about, as we had other plans; we were due at the theatre. we were off to see thriller live!
thriller live was just amazing. parts of it had me scratching my head - truly trying to work what was going on, and why there was a bloated white male who strikes an uncanny resemblance to nick carter singing dirty diana, but on the whole it was two and a half hours of classic hits and energetic dancing.
we sang, we danced, we laughed and had an absolute ball. it was in part thanks to the stolen mini champagnes. usually, i find that half an hour into a show i start to get restless. the small seats, the little leg room, it's usually unbearable to a point. this time, no such problem. the show kicked off and we were singing along within minutes. although we were in the balcony, we were in the front row, and were looking directly at/down onto the cast. we had the best seats in the house - easily.
it was such a good show, and i would recommend it to any mj fan out there. shamone!