the beautiful bonnie over at the compass rose and the ever sassy maria from i believe in story have both recently nominated me again for the ever prestigious liebster award.. i don't think i could bore you lovely lot with any more useless facts about me, so instead i'm going to cheat a little and just answer a mixture of the lovely ladies' questions. here goes!
from maria:
1. if you had to choose a theme song for your life, what would it be? ooooh, hard. 'a little less sixteen candles' by fall out boy, 'go your own way' by fleetwood mac or 'misguided ghosts' by paramore.
2. plan a day trip for me in your current city - what would i have to see and do? we would start at borough market where we would grab a monmouth coffee and some giant brownies, before buying a ton of fresh produce. then we would jump on the northern at london bridge and head up to camden market for some shopping in the stables markets, grab afternoon tea in the secret tea rooms, a walk along the lock, then a drink at the earl of camden to round off the day.
3. if you could have any job, what would it be? i would love to own my vintage own tea rooms!
4. what is your coffee order? large soya latte
5. name a fictional character you really relate to? jessica flippen day
6. what was the last great book you read? the help by kathryn stockett
bonnie's questions:
7. in one word about yourself, what word best describes you? bossy.
8. where were you born? adelaide, south australia.
9. what childhood memory still impacts your life today? my mother telling me as a small child that if i didn't go for a wee when i needed to that my kidneys would explode. thanks mum, now i have an over active bladder.
10. if you could go to any time period which would it be? the swinging 60's, duh!
11. if you were handed a boarding pass to anywhere in the world, where would you go? i'd take my #bff kim and take us both to the austrian alps, so we could flail on a mountain top and sing out hearts out to the sound of music soundtrack.
sadly, i think these will be my last liebster noms! i'm slowly heading towards the illustrious 200 followers mark, which will mean i will no longer be eligible for this award any more. in less than a year i have received 5 separate nominations, and have not expected a single one of them. i am truly humbled every day when i check my dashboard and see the lovely people reading my life, so please believe me when i say thank you - i honestly did not expect any of this, and i wouldn't change it for all the tea in china.