1. delicious things in mugs! which is your favourite? keep eyes peeled for some recipe/reviews soon.
2. my blog crush kaelah mentioned me on her blog this week (er.. not by name, though. although there was mention of the blog being 'stinkin cute', so i'm gonna notch that up as a win), and although i paid for advertising, i'm pretty sure it didn't include that. so she must think my blog is stinkin' cute!
3. dahlia have a new website! and a new range! and i love it all already! especially this, and this!
4. so many delicious treats on the interwebs at the moment. elsie and emma have me salivating with their rocky road cupcakes (in cones!). want. someone make them for me pleeeeease?
5. it snooooooooowed this week, did you hear? doesn't everybody know? it was aaaaall over the internet, and all over my street, and in my hair, and on my eyelashes...it was ace! then it melted and my hear was saddened, watching it disappear in front of my eyes. saaaadfaaaaaace. it's supposed to come back today - i really hope it does! i'm a biiig fan of snow :)
what's been making you smile this week? if you want to catch up on my 'five things' from last week, you can find it here.